In the Art Camp 2023 media workshop, we focussed on the creation of video contributions. On thetechnical side, we learnt how the camera works and what needs to be considered when filming. TheKulturkosmos site provides an ideal backdrop for the initial finger exercises and ultimately therealisation of your own project. After filming, the participants learnt how to work with the videoediting programme in order to combine the recordings with sounds and, if necessary, additionalimage material to create their own video contribution.In order to be able to realise our own project ideas as directly as possible, we dealt with cinematicstylistic devices such as editing, music or sound, camera movement, image detail on the theoreticalside, after initial finger exercises with the camera. All of these (among others) are used incombination to create the desired feeling in the viewer or to convey the intended message. Severalgroups and competences were formed in our media workshop. For example, some participants tookon the job of editor and edited together the recordings of the respective film teams. One groupcreated a video that deals with the topic of body shaming. Another group created a music video forthe Art Camp Song 2023, which was created in the music workshop. Other participants createdvideos that served as rear projections for the large theatre performance and were created in closecoordination with the theatre workshop group.