The Artworkshop 2023 approached the topic of solidarity through a series of different art exercises
using various techniques like painting, spraying and collaging. The Group of 12 youngsters engaged
with the topic Heart Head Hands using all three elements to deepen the understanding of what this
terms mean to them and express their resistance, resilience and different emotions. We tried to get in
touch with difficult and important topics through creative practice.
Coming from the head, a creative idea travels and stops in the heart where it grows, develops and
unites, finally arriving to the hands where it is performed as an artistic act.
Our sessions were based on the discussion rounds, questioning solidarity with oneself, with the
world around us as well as solidarity in arts which was tackled through our art workshop statement
emphasizing the safe space of creation among the group.
The youngsters were given several group exercises where they were challenged to work as a collective
on one piece as well as in individual tasks. For instance, they painted one board canvas which
rotated between the participants every ten minutes with the aim to reduce attachment to the creation
and build trust with the group partners in continuing the work. Moreover, we created a series of portraits
focusing on the solidarity with the self, reflecting on how an individual changes themselves in
order to change the world around.
As the final result we built up a tent, a wooden structure almost three meters big, aiming to shelter
the artworks painted on cardboards and form an actual tent as a symbol of home for every being, as
well as the camp itself. Besides the visible and the invisible shelters that were produced in the period
of the ArtCamp. Amongst many paintings and collages the final exhibition showed graffiti pieces
with statements like „my body, my choice“ glowing in neon colors and creating a diverse representation
of the covered topics.
The combination of exercises and reflection helped us to approach artistically on the topic of solidarity
and unite the creative energy into a diverse and colorful final result.
During the Art Workshop 2023.. we laughed, we cried, we shared, we listened, we learned, we felt,
we perceived, we respected, we created, we expressed ourselves.